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$3.25 Million Settlement For Man Injured in Home Explosion

Corboy & Demetrio Partner Philip Harnett Corboy, Jr. obtained a $3.25 million settlement for a 42-year-old man who survived a natural gas explosion at his residence in Chicago.  The lawsuit was settled with People’s Gas Light & Coke Company.  When the homeowner returned home from an outing with his 11 year-old daughter and entered his house, he smelled gas and sent his daughter outside to wait until he investigated. Upon entering the kitchen, the source of the odor, the homeowner switched on the overhead light which sparked the explosion. It was later determined that gas had been leaking out of an old Cobra flexible connector found behind his stove. The homeowner suffered third-degree burns on portions of his face, neck, arms, and upper body, which left him with permanent scarring.

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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602