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$16 Million for Brain-Damaged Pedestrian Hit by Limousine in Record-Setting Verdict

A Cook County jury returned the highest compensatory award in the history of Illinois, at the time, when it awarded the plaintiff $16,721,015. Taide Corral, 26 years-old, was in the middle of the street when he was struck by a limousine driven by Peter Vukmarkovic. Right before hitting Corral, Vukmarkovic was seen weaving in and out of both north and southbound lanes. He had been at a night club for almost five hours prior to the accident.  In addition to a head injury, Corral suffered multiple fractures and internal injuries, which has reduced his emotional and psychological level to that of a young child.

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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602