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$44 Million for Victims in Metra Train Derailment, including Record $29.6M Jury Verdict

In the Sept. 17, 2005, Metra train derailment in Chicago that left two people dead and hundreds more injured. Corboy & Demetrio lawyers represented 36 victims and collected more than $44 million for all of them, including a record-setting $29.6 million jury verdict for a passenger who suffered a traumatic brain injury. The verdict is the largest in Illinois for an individual injured in a mass transit crash as well as $11 million settlements for the families of two passengers who were killed in the crash.

Learn more about Corboy & Demetrio's record-setting $29.6 million jury verdict.

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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602