The Practical Application of Illinois Discovery Rules
Illinois Civil Discovery Practice, Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education, 1987, Supp. 1989, 1989
The Art & Science of Jury Selection
IICLE, 1988
Finding and Using Experts
ABA - Tort and Insurance Practice Section Manual, 1988
Video Depositions: How and When to Use Them
Chicago Bar Association - Tort Litigation Committee, 1987
The Practical Application of Illinois Discovery Rules
Illinois Civil Discovery Practice (IICLE, 1987, Supp. 1989, 1987
A Practical Guide to Discovery in Medical Negligence Litigation
Illinois Civil Discovery Practice, Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education, 1987, 1996; Supp. 1989, 1998)
The Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment Mandates that the Right to Trial by Jury, Guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment, be Preserved
ABA - Tort and Insurance Practice Section Manual, Trial Magazine, 08.1985
Trial, 08.1985
Comparative Fault in Illinois: Its Past, Present and Future
Illinois Trial Lawyers Journal, 1983