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Thomas Demetrio Named to Lawdragon Hall of Fame


What do the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg and our co-founder Thomas Demetrio have in common?  They both have been inducted into the 2021 Lawdragon Hall of Fame!

Corboy & Demetrio is thrilled to announce that Thomas A. Demetrio is one of 37 highly distinguished honorees from the top law firms and the highest courts in our country, to be inducted into the 2021 Lawdragon Hall of Fame.

According to Lawdragon, the Hall of Fame honorees are “among the most acclaimed of their generation, having led America’s signature law firms to unprecedented heights, achieved civil rights advances and changed our world for the better.”

Lawdragon anointed Thomas “Dean of the Chicago Trial Bar,” in 2015 when it selected him for “Legends of the Bar,” as one of only 50 lawyers nationwide who had been selected every year since its inception, for its Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers in America.

“To be inducted in the company of these extraordinary attorneys and justices, including the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  is humbling and a true honor,” said Thomas A. Demetrio.

“I shall never take this prestigious accolade for granted. My appreciation is indelible,” he added.


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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602