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Corboy & Demetrio Founder Thomas A. Demetrio Profiled in Elite Trial Lawyers Magazine

Corboy & Demetrio Founder Thomas A. Demetrio is profiled in the National Law Journal’s, Elite Trial Lawyers Magazine.  The magazine is a presentation of leading American plaintiffs firms and winning litigators of 2015, according to the National Law Journal.  

Corboy & Demetrio earned the designation of Elite Trial Lawyers for 2015 because it was one of only four plaintiff's law firms, nationwide, to be selected as Finalist in the area of Medical Malpractice.  The firm had numerous large medical malpractice settlements, including the case of the improper intubation of a seven-week-old girl, which settled for $14 million on the eve of trial.

In his interview, Thomas Demetrio said the most significant change in trial practice he has seen in the last five years was “the demise of trial by jury due to the ever increasing use of mediation and arbitration.”

Tom was asked to identify a stereotype of plaintiffs’ lawyers.  He responded that the belief is “all plaintiffs’ lawyers are greedy, money-hungry, and the cause of the need for ‘tort reform.’”  He dispelled it by stating that “it is the insurance industry and the chamber of commerce who are spewing rhetoric about a need—that isn’t there—for so-called tort reform to simply protect its members and themselves from being held fully accountable in a court of law.”


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21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602