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Secret Santas: A Corboy & Demetrio Tradition


For the ninth year in a row, Corboy & Demetrio staffers and lawyers were Secret Santas for children from Youth Outreach Services.  Employees purchased and wrapped dozens of presents for children served by Chicago-based  social service agency that is dedicated to helping kids find safe homes, stay in school and avoid substance abuse and gang involvement. In many of the families, the donated gifts will be the only holiday presents the children will receive.

In addition, employees purchased “baby shower” gifts for a 19-year-old mother-to-be whose baby is due in January. 

Youth Outreach Services is nonprofit and community-based, and strives to help children make positive choices that strengthen themselves, their families and their community.  Founded in 1959, YOS has served nearly 300,000 youth through a wide variety of child welfare, counseling, juvenile justice and prevention services. The organization believes all kids are capable of excellence, and is committed to providing the community-based support they need to overcome challenges and succeed. For more information, visit

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33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602