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Corboy & Demetrio Obtains $1 Million in Death of Newborn During Delivery


Corboy & Demetrio obtained a settlement of $1 million on behalf of an Illinois mother of a newborn baby who died during delivery at a downstate Illinois hospital. The defendant failed to perform a requested Cesarean section when the mother started labor three days before her scheduled C-section.

The mother had delivered her first child by C-section after complications in labor in 2011 and had indicated that she wanted to avoid the same complications for this delivery.

The defendant doctor urged a trial of labor first without warning the mother of risks of a failed trial. The child became wedged in the mother’s birth canal after hours of pushing and died during a late attempt at C-section.

The plaintiff was represented by Corboy & Demetrio Attorneys David R. Barry, Jr. and Michael D. Ditore.


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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602