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Michelle M. Kohut Speaks at Inaugural Women in Litigation Conference


Corboy & Demetrio lawyer Michelle M. Kohut spoke at the Inaugural Women in Litigation Conference at Loyola University Chicago School of Law on Oct. 26, 2012.

Michelle took part in the panel discussion, Women in the Profession:  Where We are Now, which took place at the Philip H. Corboy Law Center, and featured a discussion of issues including professional advancement, gender equity and bias, the progress women have made and the challenges they still face.

Michelle M. Kohut, a Chicago personal injury trial lawyer, joined the law firm of Corboy & Demetrio in 2004 and practices in all areas of personal injury law, including cases arising from automobile collisions, medical malpractice, construction negligence, premises liability, product liability and railroad negligence.

Michelle currently serves as First Vice President of the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois.  She has also served as President of Women Everywhere - Partners in Service Project, Inc., a community service project which seeks to open doors to women and children in need and to expose high school girls to challenging careers in the legal profession.   Michelle has also served on the Board of Directors of Heartland International Health Center, dedicated to improving the health of persons living in several communities of Chicago by providing affordable, quality, multilingual, and culturally competent health services.

In 2007, Michelle was named one of "40 Illinois Attorneys Under Forty to Watch" by the Law Bulletin Publishing Company.  She has also been honored with the designation of Illinois Super Lawyer, Rising Star each year since 2008.


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