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William T. Gibbs Speaks to Retired Football Players at Conference on NFL Settlement

With the August 7th registration deadline looming, Corboy & Demetrio Attorney William T. Gibbs spoke to retired NFL players about how to register to be a part of the massive NFL Settlement for players suffering symptoms of brain injuries.

William T Gibbs

Corboy & Demetrio represents more than 100 retired NFL players, including Mike Adamle, as well as Dave Duerson’s family, in concussion-related litigation against the NFL and helmet-maker Riddell Sports.

The Concussion Seminar, held July 20, 2017, was co-sponsored by Corboy & Demetrio and Latimer LeVay Fyock LLC. with the support of the Retired Professional Football Players of Chicago(RPFPC). Brent Novoselsky, RPFPC President, served as Moderator.

William T Gibbs

Besides Gibbs, the speakers included Janet Wagner, General Counsel of RPFPC, and a Trust & Estates lawyer and Partner at Latimer LeVay Fyock LLC; Gary Goldberg, Providio, who discussed the resolution process for liens against a player’s potential settlement; Peter Koehler, SFA Inc., who spoke about structure settlements; and Ari Kornhaber, Esquire Bank, who spoke about the bank’s Early Access Loan Program.

In his sports liability practice, William Gibbs has obtained millions of dollars in settlements against the NFL on behalf of numerous retired NFL players, including retired Chicago Bears Mike Adamle and Bobby Douglass, as well as the Estates of Dave Duerson and Forrest Blue, in litigation stemming from concussions and CTE.


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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602