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Philip Corboy, Jr. Helps Legal Assistance Foundation Raise Record Funds at Annual Luncheon

Flip Corboy with former LAF client Jerry Wynn

Corboy & Demetrio Partner Philip Harnett (Flip) Corboy, Jr. was not only a sponsor of the Legal Assistance Foundation 50th Anniversary Luncheon on June 17th, he and his wife Margaret matched all donations made during the live fundraising drive at the luncheon, which totaled more than $32,000, turning the overall fundraising effort into more than $64,000 and far surpassing LAF’s goal. Flip Corboy is a long-standing LAF Board Member.

About LAF

For the last 50 years, LAF (formerly the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago) has provided free legal services in non-criminal matters to people living in poverty in metropolitan Chicago. LAF makes equal justice a reality for over 40,000 of the most vulnerable members of our community.

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21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602