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Corboy & Demetrio Obtains $10.5 Million Cook Co. Jury Verdict in Fatal Police Chase

Corboy & Demetrio has obtained a Cook County jury verdict of $10.5 million in the death of a 61-year-old Chicago man who was killed as a result of a police chase that took place on April 13, 2018. The crash occurred while three Chicago Police Department officers were chasing a motorist for a traffic violation without contacting their supervisors on the radio. 

Evidence at trial showed the deceased, Tuong Lam, suffered for 17 minutes after his vehicle was struck by the vehicle police had been chasing at speeds of up to 90 miles per hour and traveling the wrong way down a one-way street.  Mr. Lam had to be cut out of his vehicle and suffered fatal internal bleeding.

The Chicago jury deliberated for just over three hours before returning a unanimous verdict against the City of Chicago.  The decedent is survived by three adult children and his wife, all who testified during the 7-day trial.

With the verdict, jurors rejected the City’s argument that the three officers in the unmarked vehicle were trying to warn the public in the high-speed chase and that the officers did not violate the city’s rules and procedures governing police chases.  

Corboy & Demetrio Attorneys William T. Gibbs and Michael D. Ditore represented the Estate.

“We’re pleased the jury held the City responsible for their reckless actions,” Ditore said.

“The evidence was clear that the officers violated the Chicago Police Departments own rules that were designed to prevent tragedies like this,” Ditore added.

Case No: 2019L3062 Lam v. City of Chicago

Media Contact: Helen Lucaitis, Corboy & Demetrio CMO, 312-346-3191 (office); 312-550-2077 (cell);

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21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602