$1 Million for Homeowner's Injuries from Propane Gas Explosion
Homeowners, represented by the Chicago law firm of Corboy & Demetrio, lived in a rural location and used propane gas to heat their home. They had a 500 gallon tank that was filled on an as needed basis. One day they noticed that their tank was completely empty, even though they had a commitment from their supplier to keep the tank one-third full. They called their supplier to fill the tank, which the company did while the couple was at work. When the homeowners returned home and turned on a light switch, the entire house exploded. The husband sustained 2nd- and 3rd-degree burns on his face, neck, hands and arm. The wife sustained 2nd- and 3rd-degree burns to her face, hands and chest. The couple recovered $1 million and was represented by Chicago personal injury lawyer, Michael Demetrio of Corboy & Demetrio.