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Corboy & Demetrio Garners National Media Attention in Derek Boogaard Case

The New York Times was first to report Corboy & Demetrio’s lawsuit filed on behalf of the Boogaard family.  The story was on the front page of the Times’ Sports Section on May 13th, and included an interview with Corboy & Demetrio lawyer William T. Gibbs, who along with founding partner Thomas A. Demetrio, is representing the family.  You can read the full New York Times story by reporter John Branch here.

The Associated Press reported on the lawsuit filed against the NHL, alleging it was a cause of Mr. Boogaard’ s death.  You can read the full AP story here.    The AP and NYT stories were picked up widely, and Corboy & Demetrio’s wrongful death lawsuit appeared in hundreds of media outlets including print, online, TV and radio.

Other major media outlets, including The Washington Post, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Chicago Tribune andUSA Today also covered the story.

ESPN’s legal analyst Les Munson wrote a commentary piece about the litigation, which you can read here, stating that Corboy & Demetrio is “one of the nation's leading personal-injury law firms.”

National television and radio coverage included CNNWGN-TVNBC5,WLS-AMWBEZ and Canadian national television outlets. 

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33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602