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Below-Knee Amputation Victim Recovers Policy Limits


A 27-year-old motorcyclist who was struck head-on by a motorist on July 29, 2003 on Northwest Highway accepted a settlement of $1,250,000 today.

Daniel J. Zientara suffered a below-knee amputation of his left knee after his motorcycle catapulted over the vehicle which struck him in his lane of traffic. Defendant, William J. Healy, a retired Chicago police officer, was going home from his sister's home and in the process of turning left onto a side street, and didn't see Zientara. Healy was insured by State Farm with a $250,000 primary and $1,000,000 excess coverages.

Edward G. Willer of Corboy & Demetrio, who represents Zientara, issued a time-demand for the policy limits. As the magnitude of the injuries suffered by Zientara far exceeded the coverages available, State Farm recognized its potential for exposure on a bad faith claim and offered defendant's policy limits.


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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602