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Corboy & Demetrio Secures $2.7 Million for Stroke Victim in Medical Malpractice Case

The Chicago law firm of Corboy & Demetrio has obtained a $2.7 million settlement on behalf of a 37-year-old woman whose MRI was misread by a doctor at Riverside Medical Center and ended up suffering a stroke.

May was represented by Corboy & Demetrio lawyers David R. Barry, Jr. and Kenneth T. Lumb.

The medical malpractice lawsuit alleged that Defendant misread plaintiff, Heather May’s MRI of the brain and CT angiogram of the neck on March 14, 2009, which led her treating physicians to forego treatment for the bilateral vertebral artery dissections she had. As a consequence, she suffered a second stroke on March 15, 2009 which left her with a drop foot, paresis of her right arm and cognitive issues. 

Case info: #11L583; Heather May and Randy May v. Central Illinois Radiological Associates, Ltd. Cook County Circuit Judge Kathy Flanagan approved the settlement.


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33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602