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2021 Lawyers Lend-A-Hand “Heroes at Work” Virtual Spring Benefit

2021 Demetrio Award Recipients: Access Living

We invite you to register, for a one-hour, free event on Thurs., April 29th: Lawyers Lend-A-Hand’s Virtual Spring Benefit “Heroes at Work.” 

As you know, C&D’s relationship with Lend-A-Hand goes back to its very beginning.  Thomas Demetrio is a Founder, and he and Legal Administrator Rita Planera are Founding Board Members.   Communications Director Helen Lucaitis currently serves on the Board of Directors, and Attorneys Britney R. Pennycook and Andrew P. Stevens currently serve on the Auxiliary Board.

Rita will give her annual presentation to the recipient of the Thomas A. Demetrio Award of Excellence during the benefit. This year’s recipient is Access Living, which also has ties back to its origins to Thomas and our firm.  Access Living was founded by the late Marca Bristo, a Corboy & Demetrio client who was represented by Thomas. 

Also, attorney Dan Cotter will receive the first “My Hero” Award and IL Sec. of State Jesse White will receive the Marovitz Award on Thursday night.

Here’s the link to register:

We hope to see you there!

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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602