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Service on Board of Directors by Attorneys and Staff

The firm's lawyers and staff serve on the boards of directors of numerous charitable organizations.

Co-founder Thomas Demetrio serves as Co-Chair of the Board of Advisors of IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law.  In addition, he serves on the boards of the Constitutional Rights Foundation; Center for Elder & Disability Law, an organization providing free civil legal services to the disabled and elderly in the Chicagoland area; and Big Shoulders - Archdiocese of Chicago, a charitable endeavor established by the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, which provides support to Catholic inner-city schools.  

Thomas has also served on the boards of Illinois Institute of Technology, St. Ignatius College Prep and Mundelein Seminary, as well as the Notre Dame Law School’s Advisory Council and the Dispute Resolution Research Center of the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University.

Partner Philip Harnett Corboy, Jr., was elected to the Board of Directors of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Foundation(USOPF) in 2018.  He previously served as a Trustee to USOPF, which helps generate critical financial resources that enables the United States Olympic Committee to make investments in areas promoting excellence and innovation for Team USA.

Philip is a past President of the Board of Directors of the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, Illinois’ largest legal aid program for low income people. He served on the Board of Illinois Variety Club's International Children's Charity for a number of years and was Vice-President of The Chicago Lighthouse, one of the country's oldest organizations for people who are blind or visually impaired. Philip is a member of the Board of Trustees of the President's Club of DePaul University and a member of the Dean's Council of DePaul's law school.   He previously served on the Board of the Illinois Variety Club's International Children's Charity.

Partner Francis Patrick Murphy has been involved with Illinois Lawyers Assistance Program for several years and has held various offices.  Patrick was re-elected to serve as Vice-President of the LAP Board of Directors in 2018, and will become President, for a third term, in November of 2019.

Partner Daniel Kirschner serves on the Chicago Regional Community Leadership Board of the American Cancer Society, as well as on the IIT/Chicago-Kent College of Law Alumni Board of Directors.  In addition, Dan serves as a member of the Leadership Board of Lawyers Lend-A-Hand.

William T Gibbs

Partner William T. Gibbs serves as Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Advisory Board Member.  In 2018, Bill was appointed to the Advisory Board of The Mike Adamle Project: Rise Above, which is a new initiative created to provide tools, resources and support to patients living with symptoms of CTE.  Mike Adamle is a Corboy & Demetrio client.

Partner Kenneth T. Lumb has served on the Board of Directors of the Spinal Cord Injury Association of Illinois and on the Board of Directors Anima(Young Singers of Greater Chicago).

Corboy & Demetrio CFO Marcy Twardak served for years as the President of the Board of Directors of Ovarian Cancer Symptom Awareness Organization(OCSA) and currently serves as a Board Member.

Marcy also serves on the Board of Advisors for the St. Joseph Seminary Rerum Novarum Committee, and in 2018, she was appointed to Chair of the Leader Council for the Mercy Home for Boys and Girls.

Partner Edward G. Willer provides legal counsel to the Knights of Columbus' Youth Fund Drive of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

Attorney Michelle M. Kohut is a Past President of the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois and before that held various board positions.  Additionally, she has served as President of Women Everywhere - Partners in Service Project, Inc. and has served on the Board of Directors of Heartland International Health Center.

Attorney Michael D. Ditore serves on the Young Professionals Board of Good Sports.

Administrator Rita Planera has served on the Board of Directors of Lawyers Lend-A-Hand for many years and has helped award the Thomas A. Demetrio Award of Excellence each year to an outstanding tutoring/mentoring program.  

Chief Marketing Officer Helen H. Lucaitis has served on the Lawyers Lend-A-Hand Board, as well as on the Governing Board of the Center for Disability & Elder Law, where she chairs the Marketing Committee.

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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602