Medical malpractice cases are among the most expensive to bring and difficult to win. Nationwide, including Illinois and Cook County, the defense prevails in medical malpractice trials almost 80% of the time. For this reason alone, the screening process that determines what cases should be pursued through a lawsuit is critical to the likelihood of ultimate success through either settlement or a favorable plaintiff’s verdict.
Even as trial lawyers, we follow the sage advice of our 16th President, when appropriate, to “discourage litigation…Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can.” But, when extreme carnage is caused by clear negligence, it is the law’s mandate that the damaged victim be made whole. In these situations, the offenders must be held accountable. Responsibility is a noble goal, but in the face of tragedy, who is responsible, for what, and how?
On Friday, June 11, 2010, over 200 attorneys from law firms all over the city volunteered their time at social service agencies around the city through the Women Everywhere - Partners in Service Project (“WE”), Community Service Day. As president of WE, I was overwhelmed by the contributions and support given to this project.
You or a loved one has been injured by the negligence of another person, a failed product or some poorly maintained property. You have selected an attorney and are now scheduled to meet for the first time. What questions should you ask? What should you bring to the meeting? What matters need to be resolved at this first meeting?