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Posts in Personal Injury.

On Jan. 27, 2024, a double-decker bus in Chicago struck an overpass as it was entering lower Randolph Street, shearing off its roof, and Corboy & Demetrio filed the first lawsuit in the crash on behalf of three injured passengers.

New Equifax Advisory

Read my latest Sports Torts column that was published this week in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.

Five and a half years ago, Super Bowl champion Dave Duerson shot himself in the chest and asked that his brain be donated to Boston University's Brain Bank.  Post-Morton examination of Mr. Duerson's 50-year-old brain revealed Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). 

Yesterday, the Ivy League announced a new, experimental rule to move kickoffs to the 40-yard line after researched showed that kickoff returns account for 23.4 percent of concussions during games despite representing only 5.8 percent of overall plays.

Please read this in depth Chicago Daily Law Bulletin article covering a significant settlement I recently obtained on behalf of a rape victim against the internet dating site giant, 

I recently became a columnist at the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin in the Sporting Judgment section of the paper.

I applaud Brandi Chastain’s decision to donate her brain to C.T.E. research at Boston University.

Read ESPN's new story about the NHL concussion litigation and the interview with our client Dennis Vaske.  Senior ESPN reporter Scott Burnside did a great job in his story on the litigation against the NHL stemming from players’ head injuries.  

Earlier this week, the Canadian Medical Association Journal published findings of an increased risk of suicide in individuals who suffer concussions.

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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602