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While it may seem that cart associates are at the bottom of the retailer totem pole, cart associates play an important role for the retailers and their customers.  Cart associates are the "outside" ambassadors for the retailers.  

Corboy & Demetrio announces with profound sadness that its founding partner, Philip H. Corboy, died this morning in his home in Chicago, Illinois, with his wife, Mary Dempsey, at his side. Phil was 87 years old.

When meeting potential clients to explore whether a medical malpractice case should be investigated, common issues arise which confront families in providing necessary health care to their loved ones. 

When my children were little, one of my pet peeves was that they would not turn off the lights when they left a room.  If it was dark and they were going upstairs to get something from their rooms, they would turn on the upstairs hall light; stop in and use the bathroom leaving the lights on; go to their room; grab what they needed and come back downstairs leaving their room, bathroom and hallway lights on.  I always saw it as an unnecessary waste of energy and money lighting an area that did not need it.  A compromise was achieved: I installed presence detectors.  They had light when needed; I had lights turned off when not needed.        

Italian cruise ship will be removed whole from the water, according to news reports.

Chicago Lawsuit Claims Charter Bus Company Negligent in Hiring Driver 

On the first Monday of every October, the United States Supreme Court begins a new term and schedules arguments on new cases.  This new term, which begins next week on October 4th, will be no different.

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33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602