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  • Posts by Kenneth Lumb
    Managing Partner

    Kenneth T. Lumb joined Corboy & Demetrio as a Chicago personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer in 1995 after a tour of duty in the United States Army.  Ken was named Partner in 2015 and Managing Partner in 2019.  His practice ...

What Should I do Next to Protect Myself in the Equifax Breach

New Equifax Advisory

Bloomberg News reports that reusable bronchoscopes may present many of the same dangers as duodenoscopes.

The FDA issued a new safety alert today regarding the potential danger of endoscopes, which are causing patients to develop serious and sometimes fatal infections, after re-use.

According to the New York Times, the FDA has never reviewed or approved the procedures manufacturers have recommended to sterilize duodenoscopes between patients.

The FDA is warning hospitals and surgeons against using laparoscopic power morcellators to remove uterine fibroids in most women.  

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