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Women Everywhere - Partners in Service Project Huge Success

On Friday, June 11, 2010, over 200 attorneys from law firms all over the city volunteered their time at social service agencies around the city through the Women Everywhere - Partners in Service Project (“WE”), Community Service Day. As president of WE, I was overwhelmed by the contributions and support given to this project.

WE, a nonprofit corporation, is a collaborative effort of numerous Bar groups, working together to plan and coordinate volunteer activities on behalf of high school girls as well as women and children in need.

During this year’s Service Day, attorneys helped with projects ranging from gardening and painting at a domestic violence shelter to conducting a legal seminar at Heartland Alliance on Orders of Protection. The team from Corboy & Demetrio participated in an after school craft program at the Boys & Girls Club of Chicago in Little Village. About 35 children between 6 to 10 years old, decorated picture frames and flower pots, and made a barbeque spice rub. It was a fun and rewarding experience.

In addition to our Community Service Day, WE also conducts an Educational Program Day for young women. Held on April 16, 2010, this year’s Program included hundreds of young women from area high schools who toured the state, appellate, and federal court houses where they viewed proceedings in domestic violence and custody disputes, criminal matters and appellate arguments, as well as demonstrations on voting. Many of the judges, court clerks, law clerks, court reporters and court deputies spoke with the young women and encouraged them to consider career opportunities available in the court system. The day concluded with a luncheon during which college scholarships were awarded to two college-bound high school girls. A good time was had by all involved.

If you would like to learn more about WE and our programs, call me at 312.346.3191 or email me at Together WE can make a difference!

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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602